Holy Ghost Orchid

              Peristeria elata, the national flower of Panama is a species of orchid commonly known as dove orchid, or holy ghost orchid.

Family : Orchidaceae

dove orchid, flower of the holy spirit, Peristeria elata
Peristeria elata 
(Image courtesy: TommyCrash / wikimedia commons)
Distribution : It is widely distributed in the American tropics from Costa Rica and Panama south to Peru and Brazil.

Habitat : It is found in shaded grassland edges in tropical forests at altitudes of 100 to 700 m.

Characters: They have teardrop-shaped (ovate) pseudobulbs covered with papery sheaths. The leaves are simple and lanceolate-elliptic in shape with a plicate leaf surface which arise from the apex of pseudobulbs and the inflorescence are arise from the base of the pseudobulbs may be pendulous or erect and from 6 inches to 4 feet long, bearing 4-20 flowers. The base colour of the flowers is white with some pink or red spots. The flowers are fragrant and cup shaped with white petals and sepals. The central part of the flower has a well defined dove shape. It blooms between the months of July and October.

Uses : It is widely used as an ornamental flower. Ethnobotanical uses are not yet reported.


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