
Waling-waling : "The Queen of Philippine flowers"

Waling-waling Image courtesy: I Travel Philippines / Wikimedia commons ( CC BY 2.0 ) Waling-waling ( Vanda sanderiana) is known as "The Queen of Philippine flowers". It is a beautiful flower in orchidaceae family, commonly known as Waling-waling or Sander's Vanda. This species was described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in 1882.

India's Floating Post Office

Did you know about India's one and only Floating Post Office? Are you surprised? (Image courtesy: Mike Prince / Wikimedia commons)          You can find this fascinating and beautiful post office floating on the waters of gorgeous Dal lake in Srinagar. It is one of the important attractions of Kashmir which is not only visited by locals for posting letters but also by tourists at large. The stamps here feature the image of Dal Lake, which is a kind of tribute to this nature's work  of art.            The floating post office was inaugurated by Omar Abdullah in 2011, the former Chief Minister of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.          The post office premise features a philately museum that features a huge collection of unique stamps and showcasing its fascinating history. Also there is a souvenir shop from where one can buy postcards, stamps, local items, greeting cards and books on Kashmir. The other services offered here include internet facility and internat

Peace begins with a smile...

Mother Teresa

How to tell the age of a tree

Annual rings (Image courtesy: Amanda Tromley)                If we examine the trunk of a tree that has been chopped down, we will see first of all the outer ring of the bark which acts as a sort of waterproof coat for the tree. Inside the outer covering come a number of concentric rings.                  Each one of these rings represents a year in the life of the tree. The space between the rings is the wood which the tree produced during one year.                 By counting the number of rings we can tell when the tree was born. These rings also indicate the dry periods the tree lived through as well as wet periods. In dry times the rings are very thin. In heavy rain fall years the rings are thicker. Image courtesy: Christian Schnettelker               Slender course of wood can be taken from a tree, from the bark to the center of the trunk: these samples reveal the same information and are taken with a borer that does no significant damage to

Karni Mata Temple- "Temple of Rats of Rajasthan"

         Karni Mata Temple   (Image courtesy: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra /  wikimedia commons )            "Temple of rats" Oh! very interesting one. isn't it?                Karni Mata Temple is also known as the "Temple of Rats" is dedicated to Karni Mata near Bikaner in Rajasthan, India. The temple is famous for the approximately 20,000 black rats and out of all the thousands of rats in the temple there are a few white rats known as holy rats or kabbas. They are believed to be the manifestations of Karni Mata herself and her four sons.                  When any of these rats die, it never produces any sort of foul smell and if a single rat is killed in the temple, it must be replaced with a rat of similar weight and size, made of gold.

Great Wall of India

We have all heard of the Great Wall of China. But have you heard about the Great wall of India, the second largest wall in the world? Kumbhalgarh fort wall   ( Image courtesy: Heman kumar meena / wikimedia commons )             It is built in 500 years ago and it guards the ancient fort of Kumbhalgarh, located 80 km north of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. It is the second largest fort in Rajasthan after Chittorgarh fort and also the UNESCO World Heritage Site included in Hill forts of Rajasthan. The fort wall extends to the length of 36 kilometers and is popularly known as the "Great wall of India".

Holy Ghost Orchid

              Peristeria elata , the national flower of Panama is a species of orchid commonly known as dove orchid, or holy ghost orchid. Family : Orchidaceae Peristeria elata  (Image courtesy: TommyCrash / wikimedia commons ) Distribution : It is widely distributed in the American tropics from Costa Rica and Panama south to Peru and Brazil. Habitat : It is found in shaded grassland edges in tropical forests at altitudes of 100 to 700 m. Characters: They have teardrop-shaped (ovate) pseudobulbs covered with papery sheaths. The leaves are simple and lanceolate-elliptic in shape with a plicate leaf surface which arise from the apex of pseudobulbs and the inflorescence are arise from the base of the pseudobulbs may be pendulous or erect and from 6 inches to 4 feet long, bearing 4-20 flowers. The base colour of the flowers is white with some pink or red spots. The flowers are fragrant and cup shaped with white petals and sepals. The central part of the fl